Oil Industry

Federation of Petroleum Suppliers

In The 1980’s Dennis was on the first Committee of the Federation of Petroleum Suppliers and worked closely with Jim Rowson who was the founding Secretary of the Organisation. Although not having been involved in the oil distribution business for a number of years Dennis still feels its in his blood having been a part of that industry all his business career. The Federation of Petroleum Suppliers is still a strong and influential organisation and Dennis is proud he was a part of the early formation and organisation.

During his time on the committee he was tasked with writing a paper on Computerisation being the first independent oil distributor to have switched to a computerised system. Reading that paper now much of the content is still relevant however there are some bits that in retrospect ar naive and still bring a smile to his face when he reads the contents.

Oil Industries Club

In 2014 Dennis was asked to become the President of The Oil Industries Club. This was a role that he should have held for 2-3 years but he is still in that position.

The Club is social meeting place for members of the Oil Industry and associated trades and holds 2-3 main events each year where its members and their gusts can meet for lunch or dinner with a speaker or an event to entertain. In recent years the Club has held a Sporting Lunch at The Oval Cricket Ground with up to 120 members and guests enjoying a lunch followed by a first class game of cricket. It is a popular event to entertain and network.

The Club turns 100 years old in 2025 and so as part of its 100th year celebration it held its annual Christmas Lunch at the Connaught Rooms in Great Queen Street, London. It was attended by 420 members and guests who were entertained by The London Ensemble who played as guests arrived. They were then followed after the main course by The Singing Waiters who got the whole room on their feet and joining in. It was a great event and an appropriate celebration for the 100th Year.

Dennis wrote and designed a 52 page brochure which many companies and individuals contributed. This took us back over the 100 year history and bought us up to date. It outlined how the Club used to hold dinners at Grosvenor House for over 1,200 members and guests and alsoo held and annual Ball for Members, guests and their partners.  Unfortunately those events are suspended at present due to the current mood in all industries but Dennis is very hopeful as the economy picks up there will be a demand for a return to these events. He and his committee are ready and able to organise such events if the demand is there.